Effective Date: 12-25-2022


Welcome to Songtan! These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) govern your use of our website and any products or services offered by Songtan (collectively, the “Services”). By using our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. You may not use our Services if you disagree with these Terms.


Please read these Terms carefully. They contain important information about your rights and responsibilities when using our Services. If you have questions about these Terms, please get in touch with us at jason@songtanmugs.com.

We may update these Terms from time to time. If we make changes, we will post the revised Terms on this page and update the “Effective Date” at the top. By continuing to use our Services after we have posted the revised Terms, you agree to be bound by the revised Terms. You must stop using our Services if you disagree with the revised Terms.”


POD – Print On Demand

Scope of Services:

Design and production of custom-printed products: Songtan Mugs may offer a range of products that can be customized with the customer’s designs or text, such as t-shirts, hats, mugs, bags, and anything else made available by Songtan Mugs. 


Product printing and fulfillment: Songtan Mugs will handle all aspects of the printing and fulfillment process, including printing the custom product, packaging it, and shipping it to the customer.


Inventory management: Songtan Mugs only sometimes hold physical inventory of the products, as we only produce items after receiving a paid order. This helps to reduce costs and minimize waste.


Customer support: Songtan Mugs will offer customer support services to assist with any issues or questions related to the ordering or delivery process. 


Website maintenance: The website may also be responsible for maintaining and updating the online platform, including fixing any technical issues and ensuring the website is secure.

Fees and payment:

Product type: Different products Songtan Mugs offer may have different costs due to differences in materials, production processes, and other factors.

Quantity: Songtan Mugs may offer bulk discounts or other pricing incentives for orders of larger quantities of a single product.

Shipping: Songtan Mugs may charge a separate fee for shipping, which may be based on the weight and size of the product, as well as the distance it needs to be shipped.

Payment methods: Songtan Mugs may accept various payment methods, such as credit cards, PayPal, or bank transfers. Songtan Mugs may charge additional fees for certain payment methods.

Intellectual property:

Copyright: The business or individual should include a statement clarifying that they owns the copyright to all content in their store, including text, images, and other materials. The business or individual may also want to include a statement that prohibits customers from using content from their store without permission.

Trademarks: The business or individual should include a statement indicating that it owns all trademarks, service marks, and logos used on its website and in its products. The business or individual may also want to include a statement that prohibits customers from using its trademarks without permission.

Patents: If the business or individual owns any patents, it should include a statement indicating that it has the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, and importing patented inventions.

Trade secrets: The business or individual may want to include a statement indicating that it will keep any trade secrets confidential and expects customers to do the same.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Governing law:

Coming soon.

Dispute resolution:

Coming soon.

Entire agreement:

Coming soon.

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